
Potential Carcinogens in Fresh Food

"Nothing is safe to eat nowadays."  My friend said after he heard about recycle frying oil for goreng pisang story by me.

Yes, there are people asking for our filtration solution to clarify used cooking oil. I thought the oil might ended up in our beloved goreng pisang in the street.

Human is very innovative and creative. There is idea pop up in every second to makes someone live better and richer. But sometime the consequence is far more larger than we can take. Looking at the melamine case in China, nothing is safe. Human is dangerous.

A new report from the President’s Cancer Panel has raised concerns about the levels of potential environmental carcinogens, including pesticide residues on conventionally grown food.

The report, entitled Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now, claims that cancers resulting from environmental factors could be “grossly underestimated”, adding that there are about 80,000 commercially available artificial chemicals in use in the United States, but few of them are regulated.

In a cover letter addressed to President Obama, the panel wrote: “The Panel urges you most strongly to use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and air that needlessly increase health care costs, cripple our Nation’s productivity, and devastate American lives.”
That is not to say that all chemicals are carcinogenic, but that there is currently not enough evidence one way or another. The report blames a system in which chemicals are presumed to be safe unless strong evidence emerges to the contrary.

Despite uncertainties about specific chemicals, the report put forward recommendations of actions people can take to reduce their risk of exposure.

These included choosing foods grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers and washing conventionally grown foods before consumption; eating free-range meat to avoid exposure to antibiotics, growth hormones and toxic run-off from feed lots; avoiding processed, charred and well-done meats; microwaving food in glass or ceramic containers instead of plastic; and drinking filtered tap water instead of bottled water.

However, the American Cancer Society has criticized the report, saying that it overstates the risks. 

Source: Food Quality News

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