
Journey to the Center of Food Heaven #15, Final

Final post, keep it simple.

Picture taken in a "Yun Nan" restaurant in Zhongsan. We were having few dishes. Price damn cheap. Five person ate about RM50, with chicken, fish, vegetables, tofu, pancakes and this Bridge Crossing Noodle, "Guo Qiao Mian". A typical Yun Nan cuisine.

It started with very hot clay pot with soup inside.

Then the waitress added those vegetable, seafoods and other ingredients. As the pot was very hot with boiling water, those stuff cooked instantly.

Finally, rice noodle was added into the pot and hualaa... A pot of special cooked rice noodle with seafood was prepared instantly in front of our eye. Taste not bad also.


Tummythoz said...

Is the cross bridge noodle oily? Why such a name?

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

looks like fish head noodles..but very interesting..cook "live"..makes it special..

teckiee said...

15 post man.... still thinking of that gangster shop your post about LOL!

Mark said...

tummythoz, Joe... No, its not oily. I heard its a signature dish in "Yun Nan".
jackson... just a week there, but hey, I am a qualify food hunter! :)
teckiee... hehehe... thanks!

Well, after a long 15 posts (after taken out other 3 because not impressive pictures), its time to move on!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a good time makaning there!